36 Years A Bearer: Why the Conversation Surrounding People of Color in Final Fantasy XVI is Still Important

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The gaming landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the conversation around diversity and representation. This came into sharp focus in 2022, when IGN's Kat Bailey had an enlightening interview with Naoki Yoshida, the producer of the, then, upcoming 'Final Fantasy XVI.' They discussed the presence (or lack thereof) of Black and Brown characters in the game's Europe-inspired setting. This conversation sparked a much-needed dialogue about the representation of diverse cultures in Japanese media and beyond.

Our panel aims to delve into these issues, exploring the significance of this interview and its broader implications for representation in gaming. We'll look at how 'Final Fantasy XVI' fits into a larger narrative about diversity in the gaming industry and why these discussions are crucial for the future of gaming.

Join us as we navigate the nuances of representation in video games, the historical context of this issue in the 'Final Fantasy' series, and the importance of seeing diverse characters and stories in the games we love. This panel is an invitation to understand the impact of representation in gaming and to discuss ways to foster a more inclusive gaming world.